About 150 years ago, Dr Edward Bach found 38 flowers which helped to balance emotions. It is a form of vibrational medicine. I am sure most of you reading have heard of Rescue Remedy, well that is a mix of 5 Bach flower essences, to help with sudden shock, panic or trauma.
I remember at Naturopathic College (CNM) thinking how wild it sounded that flowers can help to balance emotions. But fast forward over a decade later and it is something I have used in my clinic since I graduated in 2015.
What I love about it, is that it is gentle ie. it doesn't interact with anything. They can be used for anyone, and at any age. Because they are vibrational medicine, they don't HAVE to be ingested. They can be put on the skin, around the neck, temples and wrists. They can even be helpful for pets.
I offer 1:1 consultations for people who want to have a chat about their emotional wellbeing. From understanding their imbalances, whether that be a feeling of guilt, loss, overwhelm or envy, I can create a personalised Bach Flower essence to suit your individual needs.
The picture on this blog is to represent Wild Oat - an essence for feeling unfulfilled and not being able to find ones own direction in life. By taking its essence, it can help to bring a feeling of purpose.